education of Nepal Education is taken as the third eye of a person.It is also known as the light of life.Today,s no survival is possible with out education.Without education there is no job and without job there is no survival.
The condition of education in Nepal is very measurable.In the country like Nepal there is no proper use of resources.The population of Nepal is growing rapidly so that's why the number of demand are increasing day by day.As a result there is no quality education.The resources are limited but the student are increasing.Hence government is unable to provide the necessary item in proportional to the increasing number of student.The discrimination between the boys and girls is also the reason which affect the quality education.
The government should take the proper action in order to change the condition of Nepal.If there is no positive action then there is no uplift in the economic condition of Nepal and people living in it.Education is taken as the basic needs of people.So,there should be active plan for it so that no one is deprived from it.

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