Custmozing ur Windows Media player- Cool links

Check out these other sites and resources that we think are pretty cool. Note that this is not an endorsement or guarantee by Microsoft or any related party; we just think they’re cool.

Skins Sites & Catalogs

Developer & Community Sites

Skins Developers

The Skins Factory
Specializing in custom Windows Media Player skins and interfaces, The Skins Factory fuses form and function into a dynamic way to reinforce your brand.

Tattoo Media
Tattoo Media is a new media creative services firm specializing in online marketing and e-marketing services, branding, design and development, application development and ASP/hosting services.

Hypnosis Media
Hypnosis is an award-winning digital-communications agency based in London, which has been providing digital design, technical expertise and strategic consultancy for the music, entertainment and corporate sectors for 5 years.

CLIP Solutions
CLIP Solutions provides unmatched digital media services and solutions to the Egyptian and regional market. With special focus on Windows Media, production, e-publishing and mobile applications, CLIP Solutions is now a digital media pioneer in the Middle East

Care to Exchange Links?

Interested in having a link to your catalog or Windows Media developer site here? Please send us a comment under Contacts with a subject line, "Link:" with a 80x80 logo and 25-30 word description. Also be sure to note what kind of site it is. We’ll be sure to check out your site and possibly link to it here. In return, we ask that you link to us from your homepage.

The Team

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